02. SLF4J and Log4J

SLF4J and Log4j

SLF4J and Log4j

Let's talk a little about two commonly used logging utilities: Log4j and SLF4J (which stands for Simple Logging Facade for Java).

By this point in the program, we're assuming that you've had some experience with both of these utilities, but it may not be clear which is better—or which should be used for a given purpose.

ND035 C04 L03 A02 SLF4J Or Log4j

ND035 C04 L03 A03 SLF4J

SLF4J manual

Task Description:

You can check out the SLF4J manual here. If you don't want to read it now, then we suggest you still have a quick look and bookmark it for later reference!

Task List:

Task Feedback:


If you set aside the time to read through the manual, you will know more than many (perhaps most) developers!